now me smells good I feel 
Because I pasted the body cream after the shower 
First time I didn't like the smell that much but maybe it's good and if it would make my sling better it's good too
So I would try to put the body creams too
I always put skin lotion on my whole body after the shower in the shower room
And then out from there and dry my hair while face packing 
And then get water in the cup and then back to my room after washed my hands with the soap 
And then sit in the oputon and use hand creams in my feet and my hands and then wipe the phone 
And then finally can laying 
And talk to chichiko 
And tell how she is lovely and I like her and chuchu πŸ£πŸ»πŸ‘Ύ
It is my routine 
For being better 
But I'm fugly 
Even if I would do those 
But my skin got better actually
My bummie feels good to touch
The looks isn't so good because it's just a potato 
My person can touch my bummie someday πŸ‘ΎπŸ‘
But this is without dirty things 
Because I think it's good feel to touch so I just want my person to check it and tell me 
And I would puuu πŸ‘ΎπŸ‘πŸ’¨
But about dirty things I would do with my person 
But not sure 
I'm scared about those things in many way 
Because I don't have any good experiences for those things and I'm sad about many things and those things are a bad things too actually 
But if I can be sure my person really loves about me, I think it can be a good thing 
I will be sorry the past things to my person 
I always wanted a love and care 
My certain thing 
Forever thing 
But I still not have those in my life 
I feel me is just a worthless trash 
Because they will throw me or do something which would hurt me and just keep use me 
No one would give me what I really want in my life 
But I got pains and hurts 
Which I didn't want 
I don't want to involved with not my person 
But how to know 
But I think I wouldn't go to wrong road anymore
Because I want to have real happiness and real love 
I changed a lot of things in me 
Still have to fight sometimes 
But I can wait for my person 
Someday I can trust my person 
And we can have a good life 
I want it 
I want to be a person who my person can trusts me too 
That is why I would write and save the things like this way a lot 
Because my person can see these
My days, feelings, the real things on these things 
Because I writing these from my brain and heart 
When I feel something, when I think something
I want to write those 
Soemtiems didn't 
I won't do those all the time
Especially when I feel everything is meaningless
I hate what I am doing often 
You are not there 
Nobody protects me 
I'm scared often alone 
But I'm be friends with Jason and so on who is stronger person 
In my head 
It makes me not feel too much anxiety alone and panic 
So I do 
Because I cannot live alone 
And feel me is not protected 
Always anybody can hurt me, attack me then 
Humans are very scary creatures to me 
Only chichiko is not perfectly scary 
But sometimes maybe 
So maybe not perfectly
But it is because of me
Because how I would feel and think 
Sometimes worried if me annoying her and she feels bad that me cry and cuddle to her and say something to her 
But I don't want to think like that way and believe chichiko likes me too 
But me cannot be like that all the time and have those sad thoughts
It is the most sad thinking way 
And maybe chichiko also feel sad when I would think like that way
Because she cares about me from her heart actually a lot
I feel those soemtiems too when I hughug her 
So I feel sorry about those 
And I thank to her a lot 
If she was not with me, I'm always alone 
Too much 
More sad and despair 
More scary and disappointed world I have to live in..
So scary to think such world
Without someone like chichiko
Too cruel world 
Too scary, cruel, bad, dangerous
I have no place to run then 
Because her world is the most peace and beautiful and nothing bad things in there 
Chichiko is the most pure and good creature in this universe I know 
It's very opposite with me 
Me is bad and gross creature who has many grotesque thoughts and mind 
I hate those bad and gross mind 
So very much
And I feel sad after thought something bad things 
It is about violence things, also dirty things too 
Those are all bad things 
I feel bad and gross that why me would think like that things and how me can be cruel too when I kill the humans and be glad in the game and drawings 
Maybe not feel so bad about the killing humans 
How I thought about those things too
Cleaning floor 
Killing floor
I want to meet to my person or Jason now 
And want them to stay with me 
I want to feel safe and have nothing worry about 
I don't have to worry about Jason would like strange things 
Also not like humans and massive misanthrope 
I like that 
Jason can be cruel to the humans 
It is better than the males who likes females or just hate only males and not a female and never attack the females 
But Jason able to kill the females too 
And he has no feelings to anybody 
They are just like a piece of trash for him
I like it 
But I don't want him to do bad things so much 
But those things make me less anxiety 
That Jason hates everyone 
If Jason was mine, means he wouldn't go to anybody else and would stay with me 
And want to kill others 
I thought those things a lot 
I want to kill except my person 
Or just delete the humans from my world except my person 
And how it can be happy 
It must be very happy world 
But we need slaves in our world after all 
Because I cannot eat breads, vegetables when all the humans died and only we are there 
We cannot make everything
We need the things in our life in the future 
Or foods 
And we have to need humans after all
Such troublesome thing 
But they are just useful slaves for us
But we still have our own world 
(´・Ο‰γ‚ž)miyssnsbf micysbbr
Be careful don't drop the phone on your face 
Oh it was a dream