I know what she would say when I would show this 
The time when she left me alone and walked away
What are you doing stupid 
Don't do such stupid thing 
Only that 
Will tell me stupid for sure 
I hate my life 
That have to need someone like her 
Or I cannot live normally 
It will be more sad and bad life 
She will be so cold to me 
Like ignore me 
Never answer me 
Even if I would ask, she will say something with so scary voice 
And tell me she hates me with the voice
When I went and tried to be normal
She said don't touch me in a really bad way 
I cannot express it with English at all
How she talks so bad to me 
But I think she is a poor human 
Failed parent 
They think about themselves more than the kiddos
It might be common thing in this world sadly 
I'm so sorry for the kiddos who is abused right now 
Neglected right now 
I feel very sad to think those kiddos in this world 
Because my parents are not good too
They are someone who hurt me a lot 
But someone who I cannot say that much 
Or left from them just because I hurt a lot 
Since they are my parents who taking care of me
Even if they don't want to do anymore and want me to die