Something trying to make me happy?

Because me being good?

So these happened?
Thank you very much something
I was down after strange dream 
And I cut my arm because mom was very meanie yesterday like left me alone in the outside and go home alone 
I was so very sad 
I still not talk with mom since that time 
But I'm glad like this happens to me
Thank you 
I almost cried 

I don't know if me can deserve like this good happens a lot 
Thank you 
I don't know who I should thank to though 
I'm not believe God 
But maybe something good Karuna brought me such happy thing?
When sold something I can get the moneys and I can get something I like more 

I feel I get too good things even I just selling a trash (for me)
Even those are like trashes to me, to others, it is like a diamond 
It makes me have a hope too
Because me can be like that good creature to somebody even if others think me is just a worthless fugly gross bitchy shxt 
Me can be good good good creature and can have love and care from the person someday it must be 
Me will be good and keep be good 
I'm so glad 
I am not good actually
But somehow got such good happens 
Thank you 
Bright things