I really hate that there is only like that one 
I have to depend on mom and live 
But what she will do is cruel
Today she walked so fast and left me alone 
Because angry 
I walked alone the outside and back home
She shut the door even if me was there 
She will angry soon at me
Just ask something 
She will angry 
Never be kind to me
If I don't be 
Even if I would ask nicely 
She will have a bad face 
I cannot have what I need and want without the parents 
That is why I would be normal to them soon 
But each time I thought not wants to be born if I have to be treated like that by mom
And me is alone 
If there was not like that one 
I feel so sad and bad about it
This is why I want my person too
Because I really hate mom in me many things 
And these happens makes me wasn't to wish her die soon 
I cannot feel anything even if it happens when I feel this now 
Later I don't know 
But I wanted to die so very much 
I feel cold in my life 
I have nobody who I can trust 
Even the parents would do like this thing to me 
I think she did those when I was little too 
Leave me alone when I made her angry 
And I am scared alone 
If I don't be good 
I would be alone 
There is nobody else who would help me 
Drink alcohol and say you are drunk then angry too 
Not drunk at all
But she is 
Drunk humans will say those always 
I don't want to talk with mom
But I would 
Because there is nobody else for me 
I do really hate this life 
I hate all other humans so very much too 
They will always changes
I will be alone always 
Because they will definitely leave me alone 
Change the mind, make an excuse 
When they are sad
Then the they will leave me alone 
Even if I would believe the person 
What they did is those 
I do really not have any who I can trust 
Nobody let me 
Nobody showed me it 
I don't like this life 
That I have to need someone like that creatures 
But I never needed and wanted such creatures 
Just it is what I saw in my life 
I want to know it is just I never met to my person yet 
My person is different 
My person won't do such things like others did to me 
But I am tired 
I am not sure if I could trust a human again in my life
I just want to die
Often I think so
Because I don't need anything anymore
If I cannot have like that person
And know there is not 
See same thing always 
And disappointed 
I am very tired of those 
Humans are really disgusting creatures 
I hate their heart and brain 
The thoughts 
I cannot like those 
I wanted to have more good parent 
Mother or father 
Whichever a good parent for me
When I am grow, why they want me to change something and think it's normal thing in this world 
I wanted one good person from the beginning who would keep care about me since me was a baby 
And then not have to be separate with the person 
Also not have to do these things 
Like waiting for something 
Which I don't know if I could have or not in the end 
My person isn't certain creature 
I didn't have to do these if there was a person who would care about me since me was little to now 
I didn't need anybody else 
To mom, I don't know why me was so stick to mom and moms girl 
Maybe she scared me a lot like today 
She tell me something which would hurt me too
And not tried to help me to fix my complex too
Always had a bad face to me 
Only when she feels good or have good mode 
She wouldn't be bad to me 
I'm tired to care bout those 
Mom's faces 
I like to be alone in my room
I hate to hear her