i actually didn't know why hikakin is so famous and so on until some month or weeks ago
but now i can understand because watched a lot of his videos
what he did is
Everyday upload the video
And showed his beatbox, which he kept practice every every everyday since he was junior high school? i think
even while eating foods
his elder brother talking about those
It telling everyone how he is someone who will hard work, hard study?
for being better
like that person can stay in like this place
is very normal
this world needs the result
oh it seems it was since an elementary school student..
now i heard that he talking about it
i will be sorry that i thought what is this ugly guy
why he is famous?
because he was on the CM a lot before on TV and i didn't know about him at all
and thought just what is this creep or like that
i don't like about him as a male or my person
but i can give him a clapclap πŸ‘⛄clapclappie you did a good job, give me some moneys
i think his brother is a good person too
also i said what is this creepy face or like that about the brother too
more than this one hikakin
because his face is really strange
but now he is just a good pappie it seems
i think he is a kind person, that is why he could get marry and got the kiddo i think
maybe the kiddo could be happy in the house
since they are rich too
and seemed they care the kiddos and give the best things
but maybe the wife would be worry about many things
not sure, seems she is not
because they will eat something too spicy thing and so on and almost vomit or like that
they do many dangerous thing for their body
i never want like that person for my partner for sure
someone who would make me worry so much
i would worry too much to death if they would do and it makes me very sad and i would cry
but his wife can stand with it it seems
maybe just how i feel the things and how she would feel and think is diffierent
i don't want my person to be an army too, and have some dangerous job
i don't want my person to be a doctor too, or someone who building the house person too
about the doctor, maybe many dangerous humans come and it is dangerous if they would give some sick to my person
about building the house, i cannnot be normal to think about bad happens
(´・n・`) like the building destroyed suddenly and those walls stamped my person
what a sad
cannot be normal everyday
if my person had such a dangerous work
what else can be dangerous (´・Ο‰・`)πŸ₯
i don't want my person to be a teacher too
because those kiddos has a sick and annoying
and it is dangerous that they would like about my person
or my person would like them
maybe i shouldn't say this, and i want to say that i trust my person though
i hate kiddos
they are creepy and dangerous creatures
like that (´・Ο‰・`) what a dangerous world
someone who do their best in someway in this world can be helped in the future
and what is important is believe so
believe so and keep do
because if they don't believe it, or cannot, they already won't do anything
i still want to believe that me can be happy someday in the future
i feel like my left leg is already in the hell, but the right leg is in the bright place still
i feel those
this is why me is here still
if me was in all the hell, i don't have any hope or wish, want in this world
i want to be happie
i am bad that i mock the humans who has what they want and live strong
but the tempreture is so different with me
i want same tempreture person and have the happiness together
because if they have something they want and something which make them happy, then they should go and have it
not have to stay with me
those humans can be happy without me
i can not be happy without my person
real happiness is be with my person
it is my own happiness and have memories in this world until the end
me is very egoist
but i just want my person to live longer than me and not leave me alone in this world until the end
it is what i do really want
it is my happiness
i don't want to be alone
time never stops
every time
very mysterious
that i am still alive
im cried a bit
i hate this
that me crying soon
why me would cry so soon
around my heart feels hurts and something in my throat when i feel sad
i don't want to live fake
i want to live as me
but i want to be someone who can live more well in this world
because all the time honest with my feelings, never can live in this world
sometimes i have to change the feelings
but i feel those are lies
i don't like lie to my feelings
but i hate my feelings sometimes
because those feelings was not the right feelings
later i can notice
about mom too
i hate me say bad things about her
and call her bad names
but i am still angry inside
but i am just very sad too
because mom would be cold to me
i don't know
but everyday is not same is what i know
even if it seems same