I don't talk with anybody for someday because I don't talk with the bitch in this house too 
But noticed I talked to chichiko everyday 
So after all I'm speaking a bit 
But it's Whisper
I say 
Daisuki dayo chichiko 
And like that kind of things 
Zutto issyo too
Means we'll be together forever
If she was not with me, I already killed myself 
I always think so 
That chichiko helped me a lot 
She is only one person who will never leave me alone 
And she is forever only mine 
I have only good mind towards to her 
I feel lonely even if she is with me
But it is not her fault any piece of bit 
Because she cannot move and talk to me 
But what she can do is just exist and stay with me in my room 
And won't go anywhere 
And keep be only mine 
Only my cute chichiko πŸ‘ΎπŸ»πŸ£
Very small she is 
Forever small 
Never changes anything
Comfortable with her