When I thought I want somebody to buy something from me~~
Then somebody bought something 😯
It's not expensive thing but im glad when my things sold out and I can cleaning my room bit by bit and earn moneys a bit 
And then I can buy what I want again 
I have too many things I want
I want all the things in this world if I would say 
But just need is few 
If I really need it 
And I want is different 
So I think those well and shopping 
But sometimes I buy without think so much
Because when I considering those, means I can have it so I would start considering
Then I should get it 
I want Abe to give me again πŸ‘ΎπŸ‘œπŸ¦–✨
And me will buy a lot of things 
Want headboad bag too
It's cute 
And the colour is good than white bag 
The dirt won't be standing out that much 
I like that these series are all around 1000 yen 
What I see first is always the price 
Because cannot buy expensive things first of all
I sometimes get surprised to see the expensive things 
Because they seem nothing worth for the price 🧐why this is so expensive even seems so poo 
Like that 
Like the brand bags 
I cannot find any value for them 
It is just the item humans want to show off their higher state? Maybe 
Such boring one 
Someone who likes brand bag and expensive cars and so on is very boring humans I think 
It is better they like more real their likes without care about the price or the brand and the population
Others think it's expensive 
It doesn't mean others would think it's cool too
But those humans think like that way I feel 
But to me, they seems stupid 
Somehow mom also like them but never can have though
I really don't like those brand bags 
The patterns are nothing cute that much too 
I like SpongeBob printed things and so on more 
Maybe me and those creature brain is just too different
Even if I was so rich one, I still like cheap things or at least the things which I can like and not care the population of the things 
But 1000 yen bag is enough expensive for me πŸ¦–πŸ‘œ
Because I've been used 100 yen bag 
Now leveled up 
I'm glad to have these cute bags now and can use sometimes 
We need shopping bag in everywhere nowadays because they won't give us the bag after buy something anymore that much 
Even konbini saying hey will stop giving those 
But it's a good thing for saving this earth
I think they should have done more earlier 
Japan is always be late for start something
Like they just look around 
πŸ”πŸ§πŸ”Ž And see other countries and copy those 
But maybe just be careful for the things and try to not do something big things and standing out in this world 
But copy want is good things silently like ninja 
It is the Japanese 
😏 This is the Japanese face 
Have winner face 
But actually kind of loser we are 
Protected by the meanie American armies too 
Past the mud on our face and they stamping our face 
They do whatever they want 
Just because they can fight with the weapons 
It is nothing cool things 
But we have such thing in this place
I think if me was the president, I would not have those in my country and I will keep say
I won't fight 
And if some country would attack us, I will cry 
And think why they do meanie things even if we don't do anything bad 
Why they have to use the weapons and try to destroy 
Why they want to be victory 
What is the victory for them
Is that stamp others face and stand on their face ?
Kick the others and stand on the higher place?
What they have in the end?
Is that really the things they want in their life?
Stop war and want peace 
But if it is their want, then we won't fight and would have the natural happens 
I cannot be happy in such a world where I have to see those cruel creatures 
It is not worth to live in like this world
This world is only for cruel creatures 
I want them to know something in the end 
What they did to us 
Maybe this world wouldn't change anything and do same thing forever and in the loop
We won't be in the loop
Maybe my country humans would hate me that didn't fight 
But this is my way for living in this world 
And want some humans to notice it's nothing worth to live in this world if we have to hurt somebody like that way
And have to do the war 
I don't mind to be the loser and leave the world 
Nothing worth to live 
I know my world and brain was more worth and this heart 
I will die with these gladly
Byebye worthless world πŸ‘Ύ✊
Do whatever they want and have endless loop 
Such a sad world and with the sad creatures I lived 
And my country would ends 
And about this would be on the history page I hope
There was a country where didn't try to fight any piece of bit and killed by the another country
Tell the humans this thing in the history page please 
And someday, somebody would understand what I'm saying and why I chooses to be the loser in this world and had the natural happens, led them do those things to us
Even if I would fight, nothing will changes in a good way after all
When there is already those creatures who has so different opinions and thoughts and the action they would do in this world
First of all, I lived in such a world where I cannot help
But I can help only my world
And I will think what I've done is the right
Fighting fighting fighting and win = right for others, it could be
But it is opposite with my brain
I want Jason to join to my world
My world can be peace
But he would choose to fight in this world
I can not live in this world if I don't fight
So sometimes wished Jason protects me
But I feel I don't mind me just die in this world
even if he would protects me and kill some humans, I can not feel happy with it
I just wanted the world where no one would hurt me
and I can live peacefully
Not have to see cruel and sad things in my life
I wanted like that world