my mom is really like yakuza so bad words she uses
and have really bad attitude to me
but i tried my best to be normal with her
but she really won't try
but i have to endure with it
for making everything works well again
because i cannot have what i want and ask if me and she was bad friends
i really hate this
and i don't understand why me is only one who is bad
she just got angry so hard suddenly and walked away from me and leave me alone in the outside
i really hate these things
if i lived alone, i didn't have to try to close to her again and i don't care she hates me forever or not
so troublesome
but i can never show this
for making the things good
it is so very troublesome (=_=) mom have this face even if i would tried
but me is the one who wants to have it
in me i have
it feels like im talking to kiddo
i really hate someone like her troublesome creature
not like mother at all