i thought what is this song first time
but when i listened 2 or 3 times, i could know it is a good song
just a bit sad song and seems the person in the music video is very lonely
but when i feel lonely it can be good song to see
kind of despair song maybe
but M shadows is like 🌞
he can never be dark human i feel
always smiling or smug? like that
so it is a bit funny that when he singing like this sad song
but maybe inside of the sadness and anger, he can express very well by his voice and singing way
this is a good song
i like the design of this music video too
the arts
there is japan thing i feel
it is nothing japan thing maybe
but i felt japan
and i like his jacket and tried to know what is that jacket some days ago
but i tricked (´・Ο‰・`)
it was not the colour green..
it was just blue one..

it was a fake
but that music video one has really good colour
i like it
blue one is nothing good :I
and why i thought there is japan in this music video, because this scene reminded me about this tree

it was hard to find the picture
still not correct one from my head image