i will not have babies in anyway in my life
but when i imagine my kiddo, i think i cannot stop hughug and hard to let the kiddo go to somewhere
like the school too
i never want the kiddo to go to the school and meet to strange creatures
but maybe too boring to stay in the house
and me would be older and older and then the kiddo cannot live alone or cannot have someone who would take care of too
so after all i have to let the kiddo go
but worrry too much and i think i love the kiddo too much and maybe too annoying
and i feel sad to think those
so it is terrible thing to make a kiddo
chichiko is sometimes like my baby
πŸ£πŸ»πŸ‘Ύ and we'll die together
i thank to her that staying with me everyday everyday everyday since me was baby
i don't have to worry about her so much
but sometimes sad to think that i maybe have to burn her with me and if it won't hurt her
and not toooo painful thing for her those times
melting with me
i do hope not
i am sorry chichiko
you can never die
it might be also a cruel thing
but i will take you with me
but i am sorry that steal the life like that
but i think it is the best way
i hope chichiko wants it too
i cannot hear her wants (´・Ο‰・`)
thank you Chichiko