Now I remember something I saw in the station ):,
There was a little girl and mother
Walking there
And then the mother pulled her hair because didn't walk faster enough I think
And I was shock to see
And she cried a bit
What is that mother?
I saw abusing I feel
I hate those mothers
I don't know how they can be cruel to their kiddos too
They are cute and lovely to the parents is normal I think
If they were made by real love
I am glad to see when the parents seems good to the kiddos
But I feel sad to see when those kiddos crying and treated bad by the parents in the outside
I think they are very noisy
But I think kiddos are not too bad creatures than the adults
Their smile is not fake one so much
But they already would do a fake smile
But it's because they are a kind creature who would care about the parents mood
But the parents not let the kiddos to have those fake things I think
Because those kiddos would be an adult who hard to express real their feelings or tell their feelings and would hide those a lot for others
But I was sad to see the little girl treated like that and had to have this face π’
I don't want those gross adults to destroy kiddos pure hearts and scare them when they were little