i did exercise today
and after that ate cream puff 🐹🍴
i didn't eat anything besides bananashake and that warabimochi a bit
so maybe it is okay
and now eating potatoes which i didn't eat all of them yesterday
i like potatoes but shouldn't eat so much potatoes maybe 🍟🐹🍴
my dream is make potato land with my person
we'll make a lot of potatoes in our garden


me is poteto queeen
πŸ‘‘  🌟
🐹/ πŸ₯”

mom asked me that if i want to eat potato
even i ate that potato
i said i ate already
but mom said it is different flavor
so i said i will havve
but i feel i would be potatomaru ( ´ ・ Ο‰ ・ ` )