i never touched like this small creature in my life
i think their smile is very cute
because not have any bad mind when they are little
i don't want all the kiddos to be an adult
or just learn and know only good things and not have to know about scary things in this world
but when they can have a care and love good way, they can be someone who can give a kindness to others in the future maybe
and not be like mememememememememememememememememmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
it is very difficult
because give too much love and care won't make a good future too
also not give at all is bad too
so it is a very difficult thing that make a good creature
but nobody is perfect and learning something and living in this world
but i don't want and see the sad creatures
who has to have a lot of hurts
meet to a very scary creatures, scary happens and have bad memories which would affect to the future forever and so on
i don't want those kiddos to have like that experiences
it was good, if the world was only good things
but there is bad, so there is good
this is a very cruel thing in this world
because we after all have to get hurt in our life
have to meet to a bad human, bad happens
that is the life
but as much as we can, i don't want any to have hurts too much
i feel sad to imagine there is so many creatures who feels very sad or abused, neglected, bullied, so much happens, so much sad happens
i can think this way, because maybe i have normal feelings right now
but i feel lonely too
but if i think about the creatures who has those treats in this world, i feel sad
that why this world is so sad world and there is humans who would hurt the creatures like that way
and why they couldn't deserve good
but in the end, they could have good if they are really good creatures
but maybe all are good creatures
this world make them bad
it is a very sad thing
that cannot change anything in the end in this world
even if one would say something
nobody will stops
for those, need a person who has a big power
and say those things and help the creatures
but there is tons of humans who will never listen to them
so it can never changes
because not all are same and all are different
and there is always always always opposite thing
if there was good, there is bad
i know it very well
i am very scared to think those things
this is why i cannot trust anybody very well too
because all would have something very bad thing and if they are someone who hiding those, and would know later
what should i do
i don't want to get hurt anymore never again
what i can do is, just never like that creature would close to me
but nobody can be with me so easily after all
so i am safe always
i will know real themselves in the end
we all have our own world
and they just should be with the human who is in the same world
not try to bring the creature from another world
because they never can get along well after all
in the end, those creatures cannot be together with
someone who live in same world, can feel something in them
and seeing same things too
my person living in my world
nobody else living in this world