i think like this thing is better than expensive ring or like that
world common thing should change it
because this way they can know more how they love about the partner and made this
but necessaly the video recording
because maybe then, many would just buy from somebody and give after all
they can know how they think about the person more when they would do these things more than just buy something expensive thing or like that thing and give
which others also can do
but make something and give is not what others can do
only the person can make and it is that person's creation
if the receiver loves about the person, they would be glad to have it than have something so expensive thing or just some thing i think
feelings is the thing which never can buy
The feeling
Which they have to their loving person
it is very worth and valuable thing 
at least for me
there is many who wants the things more than the person created something too
but i think it is because they don't love about the person
if they do, they would be glad that the person had the feelings and made the things for the person
i think who cannot feel those, they never liked anybody in their life or someone who cannot feel those from the creatures
but i cannot feel those from everyone is true
because some do those for not so deep reasons too
this world's most wroth thing is the feeling
not sure how to say it in english
The heart
more than anything
so it is Love?
but there is many kind of love in this world so i don't know about others love
and there is not right or wrong
if they think it is right, it is right way
if they really love the person, they would be glad that that person is just exist in this world first of all
and sad
when the person is gone from this world
too much despair
even if i can have a lot of things or eat tasty thing i still feel very sad and lonely a lot
because i have not that person
and i missing the person a lot in me
i just have to survive this
and have to keep have the hope
but after meet to the person
but i am crying now
Life is very cruel
i want to die with my person in the end
feel my person's heart
and see the world
i want to share the things with my person
i care about mom too
i want like that person
that i can feel those
warm and happiness in me
but i am sad a lot now
i don't know why
many mixed feelings in me
but even if i could have the person
it is not the start of full of the happiness
it never can happens
because i would worry a lot of things
i never want to lose my person
if i could meet
i don't want to be separated with my person
i never want my person to gone from this world
i want my person to live longer and longer
at least than me
i already thank to my person
the time with my person is my happiness
my meaningless can have the meaning
if i could be with my person
i miss my person
i don't want to say i want to die or like that things
and do stupid things
but sometimes i cannot control my feelings
it is too strong sometimes
it hurts
i don't want to be
if i would live just for myself
it is so very boring and meaningless life
i am trying to make mom somewhat feel good and happy when i can
i cannot do always, always make mom feels bad and unhappy soon and mom angry
i am very sad when it happens
that when she is cold to me and i don't have anybody perfectly
until i can meet to the person, i think i live like that way
but even after met to my person, i think i can never stop worry about mom
even if something happened to between us, and she would hurt me
i thank to mom
and mom made me
and if i could meet to my person, my person would think it was good that me had the mom and dad too
i thank to your parents too
even if they were not so good parents
for you
but if they didn't create you, i couldn't meet to you
but i will stop now
because i feel sad and strange
i don't want to crying so much now
i hope you are in a good health and have the days
and someday you'll notice me is exist in this world too
and i will know you do as well
Ο‰・`)🐻 me will keep be good yuu